Saturday, December 13, 2008


With only some minor miscalculations in the number of plates, forks, and, ahem, chairs... we pulled it off! Turkey, mashsed potatoes, gravy, special spinach, pumpkin soup (only half store-bought and a quarter splattered on the wall), bread, 8? bottles of wine, and two different kinds of dessert for twelve. Besides, I won't be able to get away with serving ice cream in coffee mugs when I'm a real adult, so why not enjoy it now?

picture, clockwise: KC, Roger, Jaume, NĂºria, Eric, Xavi, Oriol, Patrick, Sori, Antonio, Guillermo. And you can probably recognize me.

Draw me a tree

During one particularly interesting class this week, in which I was concerned that my student's sleep deprivation was causing some strange behavior (read: kangaroo impression), he delivered one of my new favorite quotes:

"One time, someone asked me to draw a tree, so I spend three hours carefully drawing the trunk, the leaves, all the branches... and then they told me it was for a psychology test."

Keep that in mind next time you have three hours to kill and someone gives you vague, illustration-related instructions.

( In case you're curious, this is a test used especially with children to determine their attitudes and perceptions, but it can be used with adults too. Basically, you're asked to draw a tree (or in other cases a face or a house), and what you draw says a lot about what you're thinking and feeling at the time. Everything, from the season of the tree to whether it has holes, roots, flowers, animals, or a swing, says something about you. Here's a link to something similar if you want to play along a home: )