Yesterday it was beautiful and warm, right up until I got on the bus to teach an evening class, and that's when the storm hit. Thunder, lightning, and torrential downpours, and me with no "paraguas". Even after tearing off the bus and sprinting to the office building carrying my big bag of books, I was still dripping as I ran up the steps past the group of die hard smokers. After being on the receiving end of about fifteen looks of pity/supressed laughter, all I could do was stand there dripping and give them the classic "lick finger, hold in air, and stare up at the sky" move before walking into the building. I only have so much dignity on reserve, and it took everything I had to straighten my dress out and walk into the office looking like I just fell into a pool. With the help of the hand dryers in the bathroom, I somehow managed to look presentable enough to teach, or at least convince myself that I did. When I left an hour later, the rain was gone. Of course.
But, today was an especially good day - one of those where the crosswalk man turns green right when you walk up, and the metro pulls up just as you're getting there. These are the things I look forward to now that I spend most of my day travelling between classes. After my class with the young brothers this evening, I realized that I've gotten to an ideal place with them: I'm on their good side from joking around sometimes, but they still know that when I say "Javier, stop poking your brother in the ears and eyes during 'Head, shoulders, knees, and toes'", I mean it. Today, I had them act out a restaurant scene in English, complete with Guillermo draping a piece of paper over his arm like a napkin and yelling "¡accion!". AND, I finally got them to start saying "Can I use the bathroom?" instead of their version, "Puedo hacer un pee pee?", so all in all it was a great success. Hopefully tomorrow will be the same.
Picture: Michelle and me at New York Hostal, our home for entirely too long
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