At my friend Eric's birthday party a few weeks ago I met someone else who's even newer in town than I am, and last weekend he invited me to a party with his friends. It ended up being a
fiesta de disfraces (costume party), but unfortunately I wasn't told beforehand that there was the option to dress up. There were some people who went all out as santa clause, 80s Madonna, etc, and I just ended up saying that I was a disco ball since I was wearing a silver top and was attacked with someone with glitter. Luckily, there was a disco ball there to point at when trying to explain this, since I somehow that isn't one of the Spanish phrases I know.

Another interesting thing I learned that night: don't get into a discussion/debate about bullfighting with someone of Hispanic heritage. Or do, just be prepared for an intense explanation of culture and pride, complete with physical reinactments of the matador waving the cape. I don't remember how Kmilo (my new Cuban friend) and I got into it, but it was interesting either way. My argument that it's inherently cruel and unfair because the bull is drugged beforehand was met with complete shock and denial. Of course, it's just a coincidence that the matador always wins.
Anyway, it was interesting to me since I always regarded bullfighting as an antiquated tradition that has mostly stuck around due to the patronage of curious American tourists. Despite my own curiousity, I avoided the bullfight that was held in Sevilla during my TEFL course, but here are some pictures from a friend's camera if you're interested. (Warning for Kira: You won't like these)

Doesn't seem like a fair fight to me, but of course you're free to your own opinion(s). Anyway, the bullfighting ring itself was beautiful; I just prefer to stay on the outside.

Now that I've gone off on a tangent, I think it's time to wrap it up. I'll write a post or 12 on my month in Sevilla one of these days, but it will be quite the project to undertake. Hope you all are having a great time in Delaware/DC/Lannion/Itako/BCN/wherever else you might be reading from!
PS I looked up "disco ball" and it's bola de disco. Pretty anti-climactic, right?
In French I think it's just "boule de disco" as well. Or they might say disco ball, but with a stubbournly french accent making it seem like the word was theirs to begin with. They tend to do that.
Speaking of which, that is plaza real right? Might have the spelling wrong but I remember really liking that spot in Barcelona with the cool Gaudi lamp posts.
well in japanese it would be ディスコ ボール (pronounced deisuko baru). Not to original.
looks like things are going well for you in Spain and that you are staying busy. What did you do for Thanksgiving? Teach anyone about our lovely American holiday?
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