Today was a great day. I slept in, then took the (free!) train to Sitges, a nearby town right on the beach, to meet up with my friend Antonio. We spoke Spanish part of the time and English part of the time, since we're both learning (even though he speaks better English than anyone else I've met here). Now, I'm going to sleep since I have to teach a class at 8 tomorrow. I'll try to finish writing about my trip home tomorrow - it's so hard to keep up when there's so much going on. Here's a picture of Sitges:

And here's a few photos of some of the mirrors I've been painting for fun. I'm thinking about trying to sell them by the beach after I finish some more and connect with my inner bohemian.

PS: I learned a new favorite word today: tiquismiquis, which means picky.
ej: Mi hermano es muy tiquismiquis - cuando el estaba aqui, solo queria comer sandwiches con mantaquilla de cacahuates y arroz.
So I have been learning a few words and phrases of Spanish here since I live with a girl from Spain and a girl from Mexico... and what I understood from that sentence was that you said your sister is picky... when she was here (I guess you're talking about Stevie when she was in Barcelona?)she only liked to eat sandwiches with peanuts and rice? I'm sure I'm mixing something up in there but I'm getting better!
I'm oh so impressed! So you're onto your fourth language already? And you can read past tense? You put me to shame. Very very close, except that I was talking about my brother (sister would be hermanA), and peanut butter instead of peanuts. But, a very impressive attempt.
i love the mirrors!!! i still haven't been able to find any. there were some on the wall at the ikea here and i asked if i could just have those, but they said no because there were more coming in this past weekend, but none came in and now they're all gone and not even sure when more will be ordered. maybe it's all for the best though; yours are clearly going to be cuter than mine.
ahh I should've known that! El is for a boy, which is a bit confusing because elle is a girl in French. My hispanophone roommates here are constantly calling girls boys because of that, haha. I wouldn't say I can read past tense yet, but in the context I could figure it out because you used ¨when¨ and I didn't recognize estaba as something I had learned yet, so I assumed it was past, haha. Interesting about the word for peanut butter, in french it is ¨beurre de cacahuetes¨ (butter of peanuts) and peanuts are just cacahuetes.
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