I visited Juca again today in the hospital. Unfortunately, the biggest improvements that he's made since his accident are that he's now able to communicate better, he's in a private room with a TV, and just recently he starting being able to turn his head. About a week ago they tried to move him to a wheelchair, but he ended up having a bad reaction to being moved and had a fever for days after. His family is trying to get him well enough to return to Brasil because São Paulo has a very good unit for injuries of his kind, but it's hard to imagine him getting on a plane to make the journey home.
Despite everything, he has amazing attitude and conviction. Bruno, his cousin and best friend who has been by his side as a full time job since the accident, told me today about a relationship Juca has developed with one of the nurses. He asked her one day to be honest and tell him if she had ever seen anyone in his condition walk again. She was, and said that she hadn't. He told her to write his name down, because he was going to be the first.
He has to walk again.
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