I'm in Sicily now, the Italian island being dropkicked by Italy's boot. I arrived last night, and her mother had made an amazing Italian dinner. We sat out on the terrace with a view of Etna, the active volcano on this side of the island. You can actually see smoke coming out the top and lava flowing down. And if it wasn't perfect enough, fireworks started going off in the distance, and we had background music coming up from a club nearby.
We went out to a bar with Giulia's friend Alessandra, who doesn's speak English or Spanish (even though any communication issues are my fault, because I'm the one who came to Italy without knowing Italian). We've been having really stunted converstations (me pointing at some pictures, asking, "familia?" and she responds with "no, amici"), but Giulia's a very patient translator and by the end of the two weeks we've both vowed to improve our respective English and Italian.
What I know so far is... Ciao. Mi chiamo Laura. Sono Americana. Non parlo Italiano. Gratzie. Prego. Bellisima. Spinaci. Pomodoro. Buonanotte.
Very useful. What I also learned is that I'm the palest person on the island, to the point where at least 3 people have asked me whether or not I've been to the beaches yet in Barcelona. Yes. Yes I have.
We're headed to la playa now, with leftovers from last night's dinner stuffed into panini bread to make the most delicious-looking sandwiches I've ever seen. Later on, we're going to a pool party at Giulia's cousin's place.
I'm having so much fun already I would say that I don't want it to end, except that immediately after I return, Ashley will be in Barcelona! It's going to be a good month...
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