One of the first people I met in Barcelona, and one of the nicest people I will ever meet, my good friend Juca, was in a bad accident recently. It left him unable to move from the neck down, and stuck in a crappy hospital bed with no privacy or entertainment. I've been to visit him twice, and he's always smiling and blowing kisses, even though he can't talk yet because he still needs help breathing. Please send all the positive thoughts you have towards Barcelona, or to his family in Brazil. I would give anything to be able to walk into Patagonia to hear him shout "Laurinha!" and sneak me free samples of ice cream, or to know that he could be back on his roller blades again. I normally think that everything happens for a reason, but I'm really struggling to find the reason for this.
Hola, ciao, namaste, etc., etc.
Really enjoying your take on stuff;
and I REEEALLY wish we had Men's Room signs in the USA like the one shown below (waaaay below...).
I'm sorry your friend is injured, and I hope he makes a full recovery, although the way you describe his attitude, it sounds like his spirit hasn't suffered much damage...
My (cynical? cranky?) response to your search for a reason is: Humans are the world's best rationalizers. Stuff happens, and then we make up a reason for it that fits our worldview. That's NOT to say that things don't happen for a reason, but that the reasons we assign probably aren't the real ones...
Religious people explain this as "the Will of God", which humans are not equipped to understand; non-religious people call it "randomness" which is necessary for free will... Both of these explanations give comfort to some people.
Keep the faith. (Any faith, really...)
Thank you for the insight, Rich. I agree that it's pretty egotistical to assume we understand the reasons for everything that happens. I'll write more about Juca as he recovers. And thanks for reading my random, tangential posts. It's motivation to keep writing if I know someone's actually reading! Cuidate.
oh no!!! Not Juca! He probably won't remember me but tell him I'm thinking of him. Will he recover?
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